The best circuses I’ve ever seen
Cirkus Cirkör – Inside Out
Peacock Theatre near Holborn tube station.
20 of October 2009
By nienkevdp
Cirkus Cirkör is one of the best circuses I’ve ever seen. I can’t state it any other than that. Of course Cirque De Solei is fantastic, but for me this was a tad more special.
Cirkus Cirkör is not only a circus, it’s a real theatre show.
It’s performed in the Peacock Theatre in a normal theatre setting (meaning a stage and seats in front of it), but that doesn’t take any of the magic away.
There is fantastic juggling, acrobatics and acting. And all with great style, humour and even sadness. The story is about a guy and a girl who get very confused when getting in touch with this magic circus. The show is full of great characters such as a woman who is easily mistaken for a man, super strong beautiful women, an acrobat who can spin forever, a sexy clown who is completely dressed in white (including his face) and a juggler who must be in the top 10 in the world (that is how good he is).
The whole show is accompanied by the Swedish band Irya’s Playground. They do a great job in translating the emotions on stage into music and enhance them. The singer wears beautiful dresses and fantastic feathers in her hair which make me very jealous.
Cirkus Cirkör is at the Peacock theatre until the 31st of October and try to go if you have the chance, it’s worth every penny.